Three Minute Solutions
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Schedules and Deadlines.
Skillsets and Training.
Conflicts and Resolutions.

Every day, hundreds of moving parts must move in just the right direction to complete projects efficiently and on time. Tension and errors arise when poor behavior or poor training grinds progress to a halt.
Imagine a brief motivational training program of soft skills and behavioral guidance. Even the most highly skilled personnel may have habits in need of improvement. It's time to review the basics. It's time to get everyone on the same page. You choose the categories. You choose the training order! Three minute investments may well improve attitudes and perspectives.

Engage and Motivate

Improvements through Change
Adaptability Skills
Embracing Progress
When managers mention the word "change" - what comes to mind? Dread? Fear? Perhaps You should consider thinking of the benefits of change in the workplace. We can think of eight just off the top of our head. Once you hear them, we think you will have a new feeling about change.

The Art of Civility
Sexual Harassment
Ever measure the cost of workplace incivility? It's been described as the gateway drug to workplace harassment. Incivility is disruptive to productivity and morale - and is more subtle than bullying, yelling, or physical violence. Every employee deserves respect in the workplace.

Communication Dysfunction
Beliefs and Mindsets
Communicating Clearly
We all want to be heard but we should also want to understand. It is useful to clarify ideas before expressing them to another. When conversing, be aware of your tone, your content, and your presentation. How you say things is as important as what you say.

Rationale of Complaining
Dealing with Complaining
Reduce the Habit of Complaining
The footsteps of a chronic complainer coming toward you could cause stress. It is important to learn ways to handle an uncomfortable situation. Bringing closure to a complaint is often as simple as letting go of what's out of your control.

The Nature of Conflict
Conflict Awareness
Conflict Resolution
Poor communication at work could be exhausting and affect your emotional well-being. Negative talk is toxic and can destroy morale. But conflict, in and of itself, is not the problem. It is the tools we use to address conflict and bring people together instead of tearing them apart.

Praise and Criticism
Constructive Feedback
Tips for a Good Presentation
Employees do not learn from humiliation or embarrassment - and great managers do not criticize in public. As the saying goes "praise in public, criticize constructively in private." Indeed, criticizing in privately will decrease an employee's defense mechanisms.

Professional Emails
Words and Phrases
A Dose of Humor
Empowering words and phrases are crucial to a harmonic workplace. In addition, humor can ease tension, make work more fun, and help build trust. Constructive communication will unify coworkers and make them feel valued and respected.

Celebrate Diversity
Unconscious Bias
Cultural Competence
Unconscious biases, which include favorable and unfavorable assessments, are learned assumptions, beliefs, or attitudes - that we may not even be aware of. It greatly affects the way we think and act. It can also affect how we interact with others.

Customer Needs
Customer Service
Consumer Behaviors
With an estimated six trillion dollars available for purchasing worldwide, companies should pay attention to consumer behaviors. The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%. Price is not the main incentive, it is the quality of service.

Anger Management
Avoid the Dramatics
Research shows that most angry outbursts arise from frustration or feeling socially threatened. There are many useful reactions that reduce the acceleration of harmful emotions. It is imperative we monitor and manage our emotions.

Improving Self-Esteem
Maximizing Optimism
Empower Yourself
Low self-esteem is a self-fulfilling prophecy - but so is confidence. In every situation, you have the power to see the good. With daily use, your positive emotions will broaden and strengthen. Optimism increases your coping abilities, boosts energy, and builds resilience.

Traits of a Valuable Employee
Aspiring to Management
Number One Focus
Job security and opportunities for advancement generally rely on the traits of a valuable employee. Here are ten traits to aspire to: from being conscientious and taking steps to improve themselves, to never procrastinating, to taking deadlines seriously.

Make it a Fun Day
Employee Engagement
Value of Internal Surveys
Even if you think there is no better place to be than at work, sooner or later you will tire of the routine. Mix it up with special day activities such as Sundae Cart Day, Cooking Platter Day, Food Delivery Day, and more more social activities guaranteed to spark enthusiasm

First Aid at Work
First Aid Tips
First aid at work is necessary temporary assistance and does not take the place of professional medical care. All employees should understand and receive training for basic first aid so they can respond in a quick and appropriate manner.

Qualities of Great Leadership
Teamwork is a Commitment
Great leadership steers the company talent to attain mutual success. Indeed, the skills of great leadership can certainly be learned, mirrored, developed, and mastered. It's time to celebrate the many qualities you have and work toward acquiring the rest.

Mental Health Stigma
Understanding Mental Health
Discussing Mental Health
Globally, 450 million people are afflicted with mental illness worldwide. 12 billion working days are lost every year due to depression and anxiety. Discussing mental health at work is essential to well-being. There are many constructive ways to begin discussions.

Gossip and the Grapevine
The Harm of Antagonism
Minimizing Negativity
Gossip can be positive. Unfortunately, gossip is often negative and perpetuates mean-spirited dramas, strains relationships, and undermines the organization. Negative gossip especially flourishes in toxic workplaces and can cause turnover of valuable employees.

Nature of Office Politics
Opinions, Beliefs, and Facts
Open Door Policy
A belief is something you regard to be true but may not always be so. Thoughts you hold true influence the things you do; therefore, it is all the more reason to be aware of what you are thinking. Do you observe your thoughts? Do you question why you do the things you do?

Set the Tone for a Productive Day
Organizing your Desktop
Strategy to Attain Efficiency
The first couple of minutes of your workday can greatly impact your attitude and productivity. Did you know about 80% of clutter in the office is the result of being disorganized, not lack of space? It is time to learn strategies to attain efficiency.

Safety Awareness
Every eight seconds a work injury occurs. Start your day thinking safety first. Be aware of proper posture and rules of ergonomics. Ask for help if a load is too heavy or awkward. Obey safety signs, stickers, and tags. Let's check out your workstation for correct set-up.

Taking Care of Yourself Everyday
Benefits of Guilt
Self-Actualization at Work
Self-actualization is the full realization of one's creative, intellectual, or social potential. Human motivation is based on seeking fulfillment through personal growth. Employees want to evolve, be challenged with more responsibilities, and reach their goals.

How to Wake Up your Body
How to Wake Up your Brain
Starting the Workday
Do you have a hard time waking up your body and brain? First, consider your daily habits, diet, exercise, and thoughts. On your way to work, tell yourself that you're confident, adaptive, respectful, innovative, detail-oriented, and have a thick skin. Follow the list of priorities.

Successful Habits of Motivated People
Successful Critiques
What Successful Employees Do Everyday
Success is certainly not by accident and is not always defined with a dollar amount. Seeing your success can be reflected in your daily habits. Take a look at our list of seventeen good habits. Incorporate them into your daily work routine to make yourself and the company sustainable and successful.

Time Management
IT Security
What Employees Should Know
Security isn't just a technical problem, security is also an employee problem. The top security objective is to prevent employees from falling prey to cyber danger. It is essential to set the tone by providing on-going appropriate training.

Wellness Committee
Wellness Program
Wellness Benefits
Experiencing well-being is when coworkers address normal stresses, work productivity, and realize their potential. Research indicates that healthy employees are far more likely to achieve outstanding achievements. Here are creative ideas for a wellness program for your workplace.