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Learn how to create, proof, and modify an employee manual
Learn why every organization should have job descriptions
Learn how to create standard operating procedures
Every organization needs a constitution, a foundation of your workplace which governs its employee-employer relations. That handbook is the Employee Manual and lays the groundwork for work behavior, policies, and standards. Think of your employee manual as a living breathing document that should be evaluated and updated often. Templates are included.


Learn the harm of repressing emotions
Learn the driving force behind a hypocrite
Learn the benefits of a moral audit
It all starts with "are you being good?" Good gets a reward. Bad gets a punishment. It all seems so clear - but bad is subjective; and a false sense of goodness is limiting and a lie. Believing you are a good person is a belief. We are all imperfect human beings filled with every emotion. It is important not to ignore the negative emotions - for what you resist, will persist and even grow stronger.


Learn the history of voting in America
Learn the inequities of gerrymandering
Learn the role of the Electoral College
The Founding Fathers thought elections should be decided by the House of Representatives. 18th century town folk were deemed too uniformed to vote; however, white men owning land were eligible to vote. Thus, disenfranchisement begins. Silent are the voices of Women, Black people, Asian people, Japanese people, Hispanic people, Latino people, and disadvantaged people.


Learn the meaning of the Preamble
Learn examples of how the Preamble is interpreted
Learn the importance of being politically engaged
In three minutes, the Preamble is recited, interpreted, and exampled. In this extraordinary time, politicians need a reminder this country belongs to all of us. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common cause, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.


Learn the components of vaping
Learn the harm of nicotine
Learn the FDA regulations of vaping
Vaping is inhaling water vapor into your lungs. E-cigarettes are not meant to be health products and are less dangerous than cigarettes; thus, the secondhand smoke is less toxic as well. Even with these differences, e-cigarettes are still considered dangerous. They are battery operated devices with a delivery system and is similar to a nebulizer used by people with asthma. A container is filled with liquid made of nicotine, flavorings, and assorted chemicals., The heating device turns the e-liquid into a vapor which you inhale.


Learn the history of the word Woke
Learn that for some the truth is inconvenient
Learn the importance of living a life of awareness
The world is full of opinions and assumptions manifested in a variety of ways. Statements based on verifiable facts should be accepted as truth. However, we have a long history of distorting and manipulating the truth to fit one's agenda. Herein lies the problem. Well-intentioned people will read books, join groups, become rejuvenated, and conclude they are better than everyone else. This duplicity is what keeps the flames of intolerance burning. And destruction of the human spirit continues.