
Learn the four types of parenting
Learn if you really would like to someday be a parent and when
Learn what a child should be taught by 18 years of age
It is one thing to give birth. It is another to be a parent. Parenting impacts the world - and it is time for people to pause and examine if they should be a parent, how to improve parenting, and commit to resolving their own issues that adversely affect children. Designed as an emotional experience to inspire discussion, the viewer will explore the vast complexities of living one's life let alone raising a child.


Learn how a bully is born
Observe the phenomenon of cyber bullying
Learn how prevention begins with you
Award Winning Film. Every 7 minutes a child is being bullied on the playground. The noise of bullying echoes across our nation every day. The cries of victims fill the halls and school yards in every town. The goal of the bully is to take advantage, and take control over, the victim. Bullying is here because we accept it, normalize it, and accept it. The good news is that the behavior of a bully is learned and can be unlearned.


Learn how social media contributes to cancel culture
Learn the process of being cancelled
Learn how to regain civility in our society
The practice of public shaming and silencing people has been around for a long time. It wasn't that long ago when tarring and feathering were used to put people in their place. Today we have the internet and are living more online than in the real world. Social media allows people to speak their minds with the cloak of invisibility. Voices once marginalized can now release their pent-up grievances in an open forum.


Learn how the code of silence impacts innocent lives
Learn the importance of ethical training
Learn how to prevent the code of silence
In a perfect world, people who make commitments can be trusted to keep their word and abide by the rules. In today's world, there is the Code-of-Silence that exists in almost every profession, but especially more dangerous in law enforcement. Many officers enter the academy to uphold the law, to serve and protect the citizens of their community. But soon it becomes clear there is a fine line between upstanding and corrupt.


Learn the history of misinformation
Learn how human bias plays an important role
Learn the importance of media literacy
Fake news is not new - but now it's digital. Fake news misleads or deceives viewers, misleads or hurts an opposing side, manipulates public opinion, causes mistrust and confusion, and inflames passions and prejudices. From click-bait headlines to cyber disinformation, we are easily manipulated; and organizations and governments benefit and profit from our gullibility. The louder voice may not be the wisest.


Learn about food deserts, food swamps, and food insecurity
Learn the contributors and underlying issues of food deserts
Learn many ways to address and solve food desert problems
About 23.5 million people live in food deserts in the U.S., areas where affordable, healthy food options are greatly limited if non-existent. To purchase fresh meat, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains - many residents must travel considerable distance to find a supermarket. More than two million households in food deserts do not have a car - and bus accessibility is limited. In their own area, there are corner stores and gas station food marts but both have limited space for healthy, affordable food.


Learn the mechanisms of trauma response
Learn that babies have an emotional history before they're conceived
Learn the impact of unprocessed stress
We may inherit many things from our family such as heirlooms and how we look; and sometimes we may inherit trauma. It is estimated that we have more than 25,000 genes in our DNA. Some lie dormant and some can activate based on our environment. The way our genes determine our physical characteristics and even which diseases we may be predisposed to is called epigenetics - the study of inheritable changes in gene function; how behaviors, events, and environment change the way our genes are expressed.


Learn the dangers of climate change
Learn the need for intervention
Learn possible solutions
We often forget that climate change lessens our opportunities to enjoy this magnificent planet. The news media underreports that without serious intervention, climate change can eventually reduce the habitable portions of earth which also reduces the world's farmland and economic opportunities for the average person. But common sense remedies for global climate are met with extreme resistance. We must insist that politics and economics come together to address necessary changes.


Learn the radicalization process of white supremacists
Learn the deradicalization process of white supremacists
Gain valuable insight into potential solutions to extremism
Before coming to America, Europeans in general saw themselves as superior to people of color. Taking the land of Native Americans was part of forming white supremacy here in the country. Several hundred years later, the undercurrent of racism has increased their hate speech and marching orders to take back their country and make it white again. Such polarization has a breaking point. One we must now address.


Learn how to regain trust in ourselves and in our government
Learn how to replace indoctrination with education
Learn how to take inventory of your community
America has become a place where people have lost trust in themselves and in their government. Corruption abounds in every corner of society. The two-party system is in gridlock while politicians say there's no more money. Actually, there is. Perhaps it is time for an audit - not only for the financial components of this great country, but for the people who inhabit it.


Learn how the body and brain function
Observe how we can dispel the stigma of mental health
See how your mental health impacts a community
Multi-Award Winning Film on mental health. The film contrasts how childhood experiences affect perspectives in adulthood. Learn the reasons for addictions, self-loathing, and why we cannot get what we think we need while, at the same time, widen the context of how we look at ourselves, others, and the world. Learn about yourself has never been easier.


Learn the many sides of a complicated issue
Honor victims of this growing epidemic
Learn how to gather facts, actively listen, and respond respectfully
On a cold snowy morning, Billy rehearses his speech on rampage shootings as he walks to school. Violence is the result of biological, social, and psychological factors. Though DNA cannot be altered, we can provide help for abuse, neglect, trauma, loss, rejection, and abandonment. Understanding human behavior will add depth to your views on violence, motivation, and mental wellness.

LGBTQ+ 101

Learn the roots of homophobia
Separate the facts from the myths about LGBTQ+
Learn the power of acceptance
This country takes hate very seriously - and there are over 900 organized hate groups to prove it. Our society is increasingly apathetic and violent. Early on, many are taught to hate the enemy, to be fearful of the other, to feel threatened by those different from them. Participating in groups with hateful beliefs and expressions provides a connection that perhaps fills the emptiness or inner pain.


Learn how thinking affected your development as a child
Learn how thinking shapes your views on diversity
Learn how thinking affected your physical and mental health
Award Winning Film. Common Sense. Critical Thinking. They seem unrelated but together impact the quality of your life and the lives around you. 90% of the information we absorb is from our eye sight; though we really don't see with our eyes, we see with our brains. Seldom, when we face a situation, do we examine and evaluate the information or even research important statistics.


Learn the facts about eating habits
Learn about supply and demand, information and choice
Learn how to do your part to curb a national epidemic
Overweight people often experience prejudice and exclusion. Over 70% of obese people are ridiculed by a family member. Half of our population see nothing wrong with poking fun of a person's weight. Clinging to myths and untruths, people can be misguided - and, in some cases, cruel. To learn the truth about our problem with weight, we need to address the stigma, stereotype, and statistics. Educating yourself about food and exercise can be the first step in a healthier lifestyle. Stay active, stay well!


Learn the dangers of coronavirus to our children
Learn how the pandemic has affected our mental health
Learn ways to overcome loneliness and social isolation
Humans have neurotransmitters that regulate many functions in our brain and body. Serotonin is often referred to as the happy chemical because it helps regulate mood. However, social isolation and loneliness can affect serotonin levels, impair immune functions, and can boost inflammation which can lead to Arthritis, type II diabetes, and heart disease.


Learn the history and the myths of transgender people.
Learn the dangers of gender binarism.
Learn ways to be supportive of transgender people.
A precious life is born. Innocent and beautiful. Assigned at birth a gender based on their anatomy. But the phrase born a boy or girl may not be correct. Societies have long categorized people, and we have expectations in place of how a boy or girl should act, talk, and dress; however, despite misunderstandings, there are more than two genders and there are many ways to express one's gender identity or sex.